
PwC Legal

Georg-Glock-Straße 22

40474 Düsseldorf


Tel.  +49 211 981-1559

Mobile  +49 160 96371614

Email  E-Mail


  • Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) since 2015


  • Legal aspects of digitalisation
  • Procurement and implementation of IT, data protection compliance at groups with global operations, IP/IT/data protection as part of due diligence


  • German
  • English
I offer

About me

Philipp Alexander Römer mainly provides advice on legal issues relating to digitalisation, including the design and negotiation of IT contracts. Furthermore, he is regularly tasked with assessing IP, IT and data protection risks in relation to corporate transactions and he has extensive experience of legal consulting on topics of global data protection compliance, e.g. in connection with restructuring and the introduction of cloud software.

  • Since 2015: PwC Legal, Düsseldorf
  • Until 2015: legal clerkship (Rechtsreferendariat), district of the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf with position in Singapore
  • Until 2012: student of law, Kiel
  • “Ones to watch: Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz” – Handelsblatt / Best Lawyers 2024