Global Transformations
Holistic advice concerning cross-border carve-outs and integration remains crucial
Global restructuring efforts of a certain magnitude require an experienced team. With the Global Transformations Group, PwC has assembled a team of experts from the areas of Tax, Legal, Valuations, Finance and Delivering Deal Value to offer holistic support from a single source for cross-border reorganisation projects. You can benefit from our long-standing expertise in cross-border carve-outs and post-merger integration.
Pre-M&A Structuring and Carve-out
Companies are exposed to an array of external and internal influences. These industry developments mean that business units or product areas have to be put to the test at regular intervals. In order to be able to pursue an active portfolio policy, the business segments under discussion are separated from an organisational standpoint, and thus prepared for a possible sale or reorganisation. Our experienced team of experts will advise you on these preparatory measures, and accompany you through the entire process.
How PwC Legal supports you
Our lawyers advise on:
- The restructuring of companies in response to regulatory changes
- The separation of business units and the creation of a clear demarcation to manage a specific risk, dissolve a joint venture or dispose of it through sale or IPO
- Shifting value within groups to execute distributions, finance activities or clean up balance sheets
- Due diligence to identify and avert any risks at an early stage, and to obtain an accurate picture of the business to be spun off
- The implementation of all carve-out transactions worldwide, in particular, the transfer of contracts, real estate, employees and all other assets
Post-M&A Integration
Depending on the economic and entrepreneurial concept associated with an M&A transaction, post-merger integration typically refers to a large number of individual areas, which are to be approached with correspondingly different depths and speeds of integration. This includes, for example, the integration of IT structures, the notification of customers or changes in supply chains. Even in standard cases, early and precise planning is indispensable for the success of any integration. The experts at PwC Legal are at your side.
How PwC Legal supports you
Our lawyers advise on:
- The implementation of acquisition or merger targets
- The efficient use of synergy effects in the context of company acquisitions
- The enlargement of the company’s market position
- The implementation of all integration transactions worldwide, in particular, the transfer of contracts, real estate, employees and all other assets
Legal Entity Rationalization (LER) und Simplification (LES)
Large legal structures can hinder growth or exacerbate the financial challenges many companies face. With LER and LES, corporate structures are efficiently simplified and redesigned. Our experts at PwC Legal can advise you on developing and implementing a new structure for legal entities that is flexible, aligned with your company’s strategy and vision for the future, and meets the organisational requirements of the future.
How PwC Legal supports you
Our lawyers advise on:
- The development of a strategy and future vision for your company
- The detailed assessment of existing organisational structures in the company, and a reconfiguration of legal entities
- The implementation of all measures to simplify your structure, in particular, liquidations, mergers and other transactions to eliminate companies worldwide
General Corporate und Commercial Structuring
In an ever changing market environment, companies are confronted with the need to regularly rethink their group structure. Our Global Transformations Group advises you on the structuring of your group, anticipating future growth opportunities, as well as tax and regulatory considerations. You will benefit from the expertise of our lawyers in national and cross-border corporate restructuring efforts.
How PwC Legal supports you
Our lawyers advise on:
- Issues relating to national and international corporate and group law
- Corporate governance issues
- The structuring of assets
- The liability of corporate executive entities
- The balancing of conflicts of interest in the presence of external shareholders
Intellectual property (IP) is at the core of every successful business strategy. Intellectual property and patents cannot protect the business idea, but in a best-case scenario, they can protect the technology underpinning the business idea and thus the core of the company. A sound IP strategy is, therefore, essential not only in the case of company start-ups, but also in the case of reorganisations through the acquisition of new companies and their assets in the form of IP rights and licences. The Global Transformation Group and our international network will accompany you through all phases of a reorganisation, across borders and in all relevant jurisdictions.
How PwC Legal supports you
Our lawyers advise on:
- Analysis of IP rights and the IP strategy of companies and corporations
- Valuation of IP assets in the context of reorganisation efforts
- Transfer of ownership regarding certain intellectual property rights of acquired subsidiaries, as well as related contracts and licences
Operating Model Reorganization
Every company is different. The transformation and the target must, therefore, be tailored to the organisational context. Not only customers, but also internal stakeholders – such as Senior Management, Human Resources, Finance and IT – must be actively involved in any reorganisation. Our team of experts can help you align digital technologies and operational capabilities, in order to deliver significant improvements in revenue, customer experience and costs.
How PwC Legal supports you
Our lawyers advise on:
- The definition and implementation of a suitable operating model
- The analysis of processes, roles, structures and measures within the company
- The reorganisation of business units in line with the strategy and purpose of the company
- The implementation of integrated and highly functional solutions