Legal Transformation
Rethinking business functions: Identifying optimisation potential and enabling growth
Many legal departments are facing major challenges: ever more complex business transactions must be managed with the need for constant, efficient resources. The pressure to optimise one’s own operating model with a view to digitalisation opportunities and the use of legal tech is constantly increasing.
We provide holistic support to legal department heads and those responsible for legal operations for this transformation: with strategy and process consulting, we identify optimisation potential within the organisational structure and processes. With proven technology expertise and implementation skills, we help navigate the confusing legal tech market, and implement the right tools and systems for your individual situation.
In addition, we offer to support the relevant functions within the scope of the Legal Department in day-to-day business as required. On the one hand, this can include support in the sense of an extended workbench, but also the outsourcing of certain sub-functions or areas of activity, on another. Here, various options are available to our clients as part of our Managed Legal Services.
Strategy and Process Consulting for Legal Operations
The starting point for thinking about transformation is often organisational and not technical. Our experts combine competence in organisational consulting and change management with practical experience in typical processes in legal departments. From this, we develop an approach tailored to your individual challenges for a new operating model (“Legal Target Operating Model”) that considers the corporate strategy and the goals and governance of in-house legal advice. One core component here is ascertaining the status quo with regard to activities, responsibilities and processes, and the derivation of corresponding sources of optimisation potential.
We then develop a long-term transformation plan (“Legal Operations Roadmap”) for achieving the target state: this includes the definition of milestones and timetables, as well as the definition of project steps, including interdependencies and preconditions.
This is how PwC Legal supports you
Our advisers support you with:
- Assessment and Activity Value Analysis
- Identification of optimisation potential for a new operating model
- Development of the Legal Operations Roadmap
- Change Management
The starting point of any transformation should be ascertaining the status quo of in-house legal advice. What resources do we use for what? What are our biggest time and cost drivers? Which teams are optimally staffed and which are not? Which activities can be made more efficient through digitalisation, automation or relocation? And what are our prioritised actions on the transformation roadmap?
The Legal Business Solutions team supports you in these matters with competent advice, as well as proven methods and tools. One of these is our “Legal Activity Value Analysis”, in which we use an online-supported survey with a taxonomy specifically tailored to your individual divisional structure, in order to reveal a complete inventory of your status quo. A dashboard not only provides answers to pre-defined questions but also allows you to address new questions as they arise. Together, we define the optimal roadmap and a convincing, verifiable business case based on sound data – and thus lay the foundation for a successful legal transformation.
Our experts support you in identifying and quantifying value-creating sources of optimisation in a targeted manner, and in setting the right targets and measures. From this, we develop a target operating model tailored to your legal function, which forms the strategic basis for the Legal Operations Roadmap.
The PwC Legal Business Solutions team uses our assessments and all the experience it has gained from completed projects to determine the optimal roadmap for your individual situation as a Legal department, in order to achieve demonstrable success quickly, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, to take account of the aspects of a long-term, sustainably effective transformation.
Any change can generate resistance and rejection. Of course, this also applies to the transformation of the Legal department. Our multidisciplinary project teams consider this aspect from the start and develop the right communication and training measures to optimally prepare your employees for the transition and tackle any resistance in a targeted manner.
Legal-Tech-Consulting and Implementation
The legal tech market is highly fragmented and very dynamic. It is often difficult for legal departments to decide which system is the right one for their objectives in terms of a future operating model – not to mention its implementation. In contrast, the support provided by in-house IT is often insufficient due to a lack of resources.
Our experts introduce their specialised knowledge of the solutions and tools available on the market. We assess your level of technical maturity regarding a future operating model and support you in tenders and the selection decision. You can also rely on us for the implementation phase: with our implementation expertise, we ensure that the systems deliver the added value you expect in terms of your transformation, right from the start.
This is how PwC Legal supports you
Our advisers support you with:
- Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM)
- Intake Management
- Matter Management
- Automation
- Contract Analytics
- Legal Spend Management
In the course of globalisation, contractual landscapes within the company are becoming increasingly complex. Processing procedures require collaboration across departmental boundaries and group companies. Contractual relationships, conditions and deadlines must be managed transparently. Progressive digitalisation offers far-reaching opportunities to standardise and automate workflows in Contract Management.
With the integration of Contract Management into your existing IT systems, seamless, efficient work processes can be created. The added value of this digital approach usually becomes apparent after a short time.
We help you analyse the existing processes and design an architecture plan for Contract Management. As legal tech experts, we advise you on selecting a suitable technology solution for your company, and support you during implementation and roll-out. When selecting and standardising contract content, you benefit not only from our IT expertise, but also from the extensive industry expertise of our lawyers.
Through increased transparency and efficient processes, we facilitate the work of all departments involved at your company. We reduce the complexity of the contractual landscape by way of targeted standardisation. Employees who find themselves de-burdened in the process can then concentrate on strategically valuable activities such as contract negotiations, compliance with regulations and quality and risk management.
The more robust structuring and digitisation of input channels of the Legal department plays a key role in the digital transformation – after all, important data on the scope and processing time of enquiries can be collected and transferred into a meaningful quality measurement framework with the help of KPIs.
The recording of transactions within the Legal department via Matter Management systems is nothing new. However, the demands for the greater interoperability and flexibility of such systems are constantly increasing in the course of company-wide strategies for digital transformation. Legal departments are often at a crossroads: Retain the existing, proven systems while accepting disruptions due to missing interfaces and high maintenance costs? Or risk the change to modern, cloud-based systems with the corresponding migration and change effort? Benefit from our experience to make the right decision for your individual situation!
Producing routine documents in growing numbers has been a challenge for businesses for some time. The desire for innovative, interactive and digital solutions, as well as a simplification of processes, are thus becoming a decisive competitive factor. It is, therefore, important to design an efficient production process, in which the necessary quality control is ensured at the same time.
We decided to introduce document automation software in order to be able to fulfil the increasing number of requests from our clients as quickly as possible at all times.
Furthermore, Document Automation is a clear example for us that efficiency and high quality are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary – the technology-supported creation process simplifies the consistent use of clauses and document structures, and ensures that the complete creation history of a document is logged and can be traced at any time. Well-planned Process Management also simplifies Task Management and delegation, and significantly improves the ability to plan for resource needs.
We will be happy to advise you on the possible applications of document automation in your company, and support you in selecting the appropriate technology solution.
Contracts are the basis of every business relationship in all companies. The analysis of contracts, whether in the course of negotiating a draft contract or in the course of the ongoing management of existing contracts, has a major influence on the future position of the Legal department as a value centre. A wide range of AI-supported tools can help to create measurable added value here in a short time – for example, because machine-supported analysis identifies contract risks more quickly, or because sales potential is raised by analysing price increase clauses. With our comprehensive market overview, we advise you competently and independently on which technology and tools are suitable for your individual issues.
Increasing cost pressure is also leading to demands for greater transparency regarding the individual costs of each mandate, and for cost-based benchmarking when hiring law firms. Legal Spend Management systems effectively remedy this situation by digitising the entire recording and billing process and standardising it across law firms. By taking billing rules into account, costs can also be effectively saved.
Managed Legal Services
Limited human resources in your Legal department lead to conflicts between day-to-day business, the optimisation of core processes and the completion of new tasks. If there are then peaks in demand, these can often not be processed.
Our range of Managed Legal Services offers you an opportunity to outsource selected functions of your legal department to us – whether you need us to provide short-term capacity on a special project, or to handle legal processes for the long term.
Through the intelligent use of the latest technologies and process automation, coupled with the experience of our consultants, we support you in optimising your processes and sustainably increasing your added value.
Specific work we can handle includes high-volume legal processes in purchasing, defence of class action lawsuits, and running your whistleblower process. As part of Managed Legal Services, we combine the expertise of PwC Legal and comprehensive technology solutions to design an efficient and tailored process that we can implement with the help of qualified lawyers in our Shared Delivery Centres.
We execute this process with professional project managers and provide you with real-time individualised status reporting. Through precise budgeting and daily cost tracking, we provide you with planning security and transparency.
This is how PwC Legal supports you
Our advisers support you with:
- Corporate Governance Solutions
- Whistleblower & Ethics Reporting Channels
- Automated Processing Solution
- Defence against class action lawsuits
- Objection Management
- Rule Scanner
By taking over centralised Corporate Office processes, among other things, we create freedom for our clients, in order to focus on the strategically important issues of their business.
In the medium and long term, digitalisation is changing companies and their business models, in some cases at a fundamental level. Simultaneously, companies are already facing unprecedented challenges due to global crises, and ever fewer skilled workers are available to deal with them. Both issues – here long-term developments and acute crisis situations – have an impact on organisational efforts, as well as on corporate governance, especially in an international context.
As a corporate governance service provider, PwC Legal supports clients not only in complying with the requirements for their global corporate structures at all times (and even in times of crisis), but also in setting them up today for the digital future in a process-based manner.
Our global Entity Governance & Compliance (EGC) team offers tailor-made solutions for this. As an “Alternative Legal Service” provider, we combine expertise with business processes and state-of-the-art technology in a holistic and global managed service approach.
Our end-to-end solution for your whistleblowing channel.
Due to the EU Directive on the Protection of Whistleblowers, all companies – irrespective of their legal form – as well as government agencies, are obligated to set up a so-called internal reporting channel through which whistleblowers can report certain violations of the law.
However, the establishment of a whistleblower system is more than an obligation. The internal reporting channels facilitates a cultural change with the aim of initiating a continuous improvement process and thus making the department or company fit for the future. The early detection of legal violations can lead to a reduction in liability risks and thus avert instances of damage.
With our Whistleblower and Ethics Reporting Channel, we offer you a standardised and digitised solution for the establishment and operation of an internal reporting channel as a managed service. This is a one-stop-shop solution where our multidisciplinary excellence team of lawyers, programmers and managed service experts combine their extensive business knowledge and professional services expertise with deep data and technology skills.
Our approach to automated processing of similar issues.
Companies find themselves increasingly confronted with the challenge of having to deal with numerous similar issues. These can be, for example, applications, enquiries or letters of demand. The manual processing of these issues is resource-intensive and prone to error.
With the Automated Processing Solution, processing is automated and standardised, and you always enjoy full transparency of the processing status by means of a live dashboard.
Defence against class action lawsuits – our expertise combined with litigation security and state-of-the-art IT.
Do you have the necessary resources to efficiently analyse and manage claims and litigation? With the Automated Processing Solution for Mass Claim, the answer is clearly yes!
We handle class action legal proceedings for our clients with the help of the PwC Mass Claims Machine – a state-of-the-art, technologically efficient solution that enormously speeds up otherwise lengthy processes.
Our tool analyses documents such as demand letters or statements of claim and extracts all relevant information. It creates files and the respective response documents digitally, and to a consistently high standard of quality. Thanks to freely configurable live dashboards, you get a comprehensive overview of all the KPIs that are important to you in real time.
Respond to objections in the planning approval procedure in an automated and legally secure manner.
Regardless of whether you are in charge of railway, energy plant, airport, road construction or other infrastructure projects: during the hearing on the respective plan approval procedure, you – as the project developer or plan approval or hearing authority – are confronted with a large number of objections from those affected and comments from public interest groups.
As a rule, these objections and comments are processed manually, and it takes several staff members to prepare hearing procedures and responses.
The Automated Processing Solution for Infrastructure offers you a powerful objection management system that analyses and evaluates objections to construction projects. In addition, the solution supports you in hearing procedures – by preparing response letters and comparisons of objections received and the respective responses.
Track, triage and tackle current regulations at all times.
Financial services firms operate in an increasingly complex legal and regulatory environment, subject to constant changes and competing requirements.
At the same time, resources for tracking, reviewing, and managing these changes are becoming increasingly scarce.
PwC's Rule Scanner helps you by providing a lawyer-led, AI-powered global solution for legal and regulatory horizon scanning plus risk mapping backed by trusted PwC Legal managed services solutions.
For this, the Rule Scanner tags items published by the regulatory authorities (Regulation Library) and links them to a taxonomy agreed with you. Rule Scanner proactively assesses your company's operational and legal footprint and identifies areas of potential regulatory or legal risk. These risks are presented visually in an intuitive dashboard as well as rolling news updates. Additional managed legal services are available to help business units and control functions identify, mitigate and manage legal and regulatory compliance issues as well as to proactively seize business opportunities.
PwC’s Rule Scanner thus allows your staff to focus specifically and efficiently on the regulatory changes that have the greatest impact on your business.