Consumer rights in Germany have been strengthened and are increasingly being exercised. This has led to the legal system and affected companies facing a high number of complaints and claims. Some law firms on the side of consumers have already specialised in asserting large numbers of claims with the help of technology.
Defendant companies’ litigation strategies must be implemented as part of a tailored, technology-based workflow in order to provide a rapid and legally watertight response to all cases.

We can help you manage mass claims effectively by automating as many steps in their administration as possible and seamlessly linking them together. In the first phase, we record the exact structure of the claims made. Upon request, our lawyers will assist you in resolving the actual legal issues and formulating adequate replies.
We then develop a logical process that links the elements of the complaint with appropriate blocks of text for the response. This modular approach allows claims to be answered precisely with the greatest possible degree of standardisation.
In projects of this size, aside from legal and technical expertise, success hinges on professional management. Using a specially developed digital platform, we keep an eye on deadlines, control the review and approval processes, and provide you with detailed (cost) reports in real time.