PwC Legal advises animal health provider Elanco on spin-off from Eli Lilly
Stuttgart, April 18th, 2019
As part of the worldwide PwC Legal network, PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal AG Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft (PwC Legal Germany) provided legal advice to Elanco Animal Health Inc. (Elanco) to spin off from pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly and Company (Eli Lilly) in preparation of a subsequent initial public offering. More than 70 countries of the PwC Legal network were involved in the spin-off of the Elanco animal health business from Eli Lilly.
On March 11, 2019, Elanco officially completed its separation from Eli Lilly and traded as a standalone entity for the first time at New York Stock Exchange.
Established in 1954, Elanco Animal Health Inc. provides comprehensive products and knowledge services to improve animal health and fodder production in more than 90 countries around the world.
Eli Lilly and Company, founded in 1876, is a global pharmaceutical company headquartered in Indianapolis (USA).
Advisors to Elanco:
PwC Legal Germany:
Robert Dorr, Dirk Krome (both lead advice, Corporate/International Business Reorganisations, Stuttgart), Carmen Meola (Employment law, Stuttgart) and Karsten Horch (Corporate/International Business Reorganisations, Stuttgart)
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PwC Legal Business Solutions in Germany. More than 300 lawyers at 18 locations. Integrated, tech-powered legal advice.
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