- German public auditor (Wirtschaftsprüfer) since 1996
- Tax consultant since 1992
- Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) since 1990
- Structuring of German and international companies and groups, including in the context of cross-border transactions (e.g. cross-border mergers) and financing structures
- Stock corporations, SEs, GmbHs, UGs, GmbH & Co. KGs, OHGs, limited partnerships, (atypical) silent partnerships, KGaAs, joint ventures of various legal forms
- Company agreements (especially control and profit transfer agreements)
- Since 2009: PwC Legal, Stuttgart and Munich
- Until 2009: employed at a law firm that formerly belonged to PwC, Stuttgart offices
- Until 1998: employed at Pricewaterhouse GmbH, Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft and associated law firm(s)
- Until 1990: legal clerkship (Rechtsreferendariat), district of the Higher Regional Court of Nuremberg, New York
- Until 1987: student of law in Erlangen, Tübingen and Munich
- "Going to the Chapel": Grenzüberschreitende Ehen im Gesellschaftsrecht - Die ersten transnationalen Verschmelzungen nach dem UmwG, Der Betrieb 2003, 647
Press Releases with Robert Dorr