Dr Thorsten Zumwinkel

Partner | Head of Legal Co-Lead, Head of Tax Criminal and White Collar Criminal Law Düsseldorf


PwC Legal

Georg-Glock-Straße 22

40474 Düsseldorf


Tel.  +49 211 981-4843

Email  E-Mail


  • Specialist lawyer (Fachanwalt) for tax law since 2012
  • Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) since 2009
  • Graduate of financial management (Dipl.-Finanzwirt) since 2002


  • Legal advice and defence in tax criminal and white collar criminal cases
  • German and international companies and groups
  • Management board, supervisory boards, managing directors and advisory boards
  • Private persons


  • German
  • English
  • French
I offer

About me

Following his previous work at a tax authority, Thorsten Zumwinkel has been providing advice to companies in the private sector as well as private individuals on tax criminal and white collar criminal law since 2009. One of his areas of focus is advising and defending management boards, supervisory boards, managing directors and advisory boards as well as representing companies, but also and preventing criminal prosecutions by criminal law compliance. As part of his work as a lawyer, he has been responsible for and led a large number of internal investigations to clarify compliance violations.


  • German Bar Association
  • Cologne Bar Association
  • Since 2015: PwC Legal, Düsseldorf
  • Until 2015: employed at a boutique tax firm, Cologne and Munich, as partner from 2013
  • 2010: doctorate at the University of Cologne under Prof. Dr Joachim Hennrichs (thesis subject: The German REIT Act – tax legislation in the area of tension between European and constitutional law)
  • Until 2008: employed at the Tax Authority of North Rhine Westphalia
  • Until 2008: legal clerkship (Rechtsreferendariat), district of the Higher Regional Court of Hamm
  • Until 2006: student of law, University of Cologne
  • Until 2002: dual training at the Tax Authority of North Rhine Westphalia with studies at the University of Applied Sciences for Finances (Fachhochschule für Finanzen), Nordkirchen
  • Mittelbare (ausländische) Anteilsverschiebungen an grundbesitzhaltenden Gesellschaften in: PStR 01/2023, S. 14
  • Beckschäfer/Franke-Röhricht/Wenzler, Steuerstrafrecht A - Z, 1. Auflage 2023
  • Hanken/Kleinhietpaß/Lagarden, Verrechnungspreise, 4. Auflage 2023
  • Hanken/Kleinhietpaß/Lagarden, Verrechnungspreise, 3. Auflage 2020
  • Betriebsveranstaltungen: Vorsicht bei der Teilnahme von „Geschäftsfreunden“, AG 2014, S. 79 ff.
  • Prozesskosten als außergewöhnliche Belastungen: Noch lohnt sich der Streit, Stbg. 2014, S. 72 ff.
  • Ermittlung von Spekulationseinkünften in fremder Währung: Rechtslage weiterhin unklar, Stbg. 2014, S. 120 ff. (mit Gomes)
  • Kosten eines Prozesses als außergewöhnliche Belastung steuerlich abzugsfähig?, AG 2013, S. 86 ff. (mit Mack)
  • Liquide Mittel, Festgeldanlagen und Geldmarktfondsanteile als schädliches Verwaltungsvermögen i. S. d. § 13b Abs. 2 Satz 2 Nr. 4 ErbStG - Rechtssicherheit?, Stbg. 2012, S. 263 ff. (mit Kamps)
  • “Best Lawyers: Steuerrecht” – Handelsblatt / Best Lawyers 2024
  • For many years, Dr Thorsten Zumwinkel has been regularly recognised, recommended and listed as a leading German lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) in the field of tax criminal and white collar criminal law.