Marc Finkbeiner

Senior Associate Hamburg


PwC Legal

Alsterufer 1

20354 Hamburg


Tel.  +49 40 6378-2629

Email  E-Mail


  • Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) since 2021


  • German and international companies and groups
  • M&A transaction consulting
  • Legal due diligence
  • Private equity funds
  • Family and medium-sized companies


  • German
  • English
I offer

About me

Marc Finkbeiner is an expert in the area of corporate law and specialises in advising German and international industrial and technology companies as well as investors regarding M&A transactions and joint ventures.

  • Since 2021: PwC Legal, Hamburg
  • Until 2021: legal clerkship (Rechtsreferendariat) at the Regional Court of Münster and Düsseldorf
  • Until 2018: research assistant at PwC Legal
  • Until 2017: student of law in Osnabrück
  • 2015: supplementary training in economics at Osnabrück University