Matthias Stephan

Local Partner Düsseldorf


PwC Legal

Georg-Glock-Straße 22

40474 Düsseldorf


Tel.  +49 211 981-1509

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  • Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) since 2016


  • Legal and economic consulting for energy-intensive companies and groups, including energy cost optimisation and supply security
  • Legal and regulatory consulting for companies in the hydrogen sector
  • Energy supply companies
  • Public utilities
I offer

About me

Matthias Stephan provides advice to power plant operators and energy supply companies regarding German and European regulatory law (including the German Combined Heat and Power Generation Act (Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsgesetz – KWKG) and the German Renewable Energies Act (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz – EEG)). His clients also include energy-intensive companies to whom he provides advice on questions of electricity and energy cost optimisation as well as location-specific energy supply concepts/supply security. The gas and hydrogen sectors are also focus areas for his advisory activities.

  • Since 2016: PwC Legal, Düsseldorf
  • Until 2016: legal clerkship (Rechtsreferendariat), district of the Higher Regional Court of Hamm, District Court of Essen
  • Until 2014: student, Ruhr University Bochum
  • Berliner Kommentar zum Energierecht, Band 7, KWKG, 5. Auflage, 2022 (Hrsg. Säcker/Hennig )
  • Berliner Kommentar zum Energierecht, Band 8, EEG, 5. Auflage, 2022 (Hrsg. Säcker/Steffens)
  • Regulierung in der deutschen Energiewirtschaft, Band I, München, 5. Auflage, 2020
  • Recht der Energiewirtschaft, 2021, 320, Anmerkung zum Urteil des LG Duisburg zum Leistungsverweigerungsrecht nach § 104 Abs. 4 EEG 2017 im Falle einer Scheibenpacht (gemeinsam mit Michael H. Küper)
  • Wegweisender Beschluss zu Strom- und Gasnomaden, in: ZfK 2018, Heft 5, S. 8 (gemeinsam mit Michael H. Küper)