Felicia Mißbach

Senior Associate Frankfurt am Main


PwC Legal

Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 35-37

60327 Frankfurt am Main


Tel.  +49 69 95853224

Mobile  +49 160 96636065

Email  E-Mail


  • Lawyer (Rechtsanwältin) since 2023


  • Complex disputes before state courts and courts of arbitration
  • Summary proceedings with temporary legal protection
  • Mass proceedings using efficient legal tech solutions


  • German
  • English
I offer

About me

Felicia Mißbach advises and represents clients in domestic and cross-border court and arbitration proceedings. She is experienced in the area of contentious and non-contentious conflict resolution as well as litigation, especially in the area of corporate law.

  • Since 2023: PwC Legal, Frankfurt am Main
  • Until 2022: Legal clerkship (Rechtsreferendariat), district of Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main
  • Until 2020: Student of law in Gießen