Anna Albers

Senior Manager Berlin


PwC Legal

Kapelle-Ufer 4

10117 Berlin


Tel.  +49 30 2636-2263

Email  E-Mail


  • Specialist lawyer (Fachanwältin) for employment law since 2019
  • BM ® mediator since 2014
  • Lawyer (Rechtsanwältin) since 2012


  • National and international companies and groups
  • Medium-sized companies


  • German
  • English
I offer

About me

Anna Albers is a specialist lawyer for labour law and has particular expertise in advising and representing medium-sized companies. She advises on all issues of individual and collective labour law. After more than 12 years of relevant professional experience, she has particular expertise in providing labour law advice on restructurings and M&A transactions as well as on issues relating to works constitution law.

  • Since 2023: PwC Legal, Berlin
  • Until 2022: equity partner at a boutique law firm with offices in Hamburg, Berlin and Cologne
  • Until 2015: public service/judicial service, working as a public prosecutor, Lübeck
  • Until 2014: managing director and business mediator at a training institute, Hamburg
  • Until 2011: legal clerkship (Rechtsreferendariat), Superior Court of Justice of Berlin
  • Until 2005: student of law, Hamburg and Berlin