Christina Hüschemenger

Local Partner Frankfurt am Main


PwC Legal

Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 35-37

60327 Frankfurt am Main


Tel.  +49 69 9585-2164

Email  E-Mail


  • Specialist lawyer (Fachanwältin) for tax law since 2016
  • Tax consultant since 2012
  • Lawyer (Rechtsanwältin) since 2008
  • Master of Laws (LL.M.) since 2008


  • German and international companies and groups
  • Wealthy private individuals
  • Management boards, supervisory boards, managing directors and advisory boards


  • German
  • English
I offer

About me

Christina Hüschemenger specializes in the area of criminal tax law. She represents and defends companies and individuals in corresponding criminal and administrative fine proceedings. In addition, advising on self-disclosure and procedural law aspects in cases of subsequent tax declarations is another focus of her work.

  • Since 2018: PwC Legal, Frankfurt
  • Until 2018: employed at a leading international US law firm in the area of tax law, Frankfurt;
  • Until 2008: Master of Laws (LL.M.) post-graduate programme, Wellington, (New Zealand)
  • Until 2007: legal clerkship (Rechtsreferendariat), district of the Higher Regional Court of Cologne
  • Until 2004: student of law, Cologne
  • Beckschäfer/Franke-Röhricht/Wenzler, Steuerstrafrecht A - Z, 1. Auflage 2023 (mit anderen)
  • Mittelbare (ausländische) Anteilsverschiebungen an grundbesitzhaltenden Gesellschaften, PStR 01/2023, S. 14 (mit Dr. Thorsten Zumwinkel)
  • Hanken/Kleinhietpaß/Lagarden, Verrechnungspreise, 3. Auflage 2020 (mit anderen)
  • Geringer Freibetrag bei beschränkter Steuerpflicht gemeinschaftswidrig; Anmerkungen zum Urteil des EuGH v. 22.4.2010 – Rs. C-510/08, Vera Mattner, NWB-EV 8/2010, S. 259 (mit Dr. Andreas Knebel)